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How Does Electricity Get to Me?

Struggling to understand your electricity contract or read your electricity bill?  Buying and paying for electricity for many individuals and businesses is a test in mathematics.  However, it doesn’t have to be.  There are two key concepts to understand about the electricity market. First, how electricity gets from the producer to your home or business; and second, how it is priced.

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Calgary Office

  • 2200, 425 - 1 Street SW
    Calgary, Alberta T2P 3L8
  • +1-800-305-8884

Edmonton Office

  • Nisku, Alberta
  • 780-932-5327

A note about fair competition: 

All customers are free to purchase natural gas services from the default supply provider or from a retailer of their choice and to purchase electricity from a regulated rate provider or from a retailer of their choice. The delivery of natural gas and electricity to you is not affected by your choice. If you change you you purchase natural gas or electricity services from, you will continue receiving natural gas and electricity from the distribution company in your service area. For a current list of retailers you may choose from, visit or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta). 

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