Welcome to the Leap community electricity program page

Step 1:
Click play

Step 2: We Brag About Ourselves a Little

Who are we?

LEAP Energy Solutions is a government-bonded electricity retailer.  What does this mean? We sell electricity, but unlike the other guys, we focus on energy efficiency – helping you save more and spend less.


Why Sign Up with Leap?

Personal service, competitive rates, community involvement…just to name a few reasons. Our focus is on the customer, helping you understand your electricity plan, the electricity market, and how to get the best bang for your buck. No gimmicks.

Check out our website for more information: www.leapenergy.ca

Step 3: Back to you.


As parents of active children ourselves, we understand that keeping up with the costs of extra-curricular’s can be challenging. We’ve set out to find a way to give back to the community that directly benefits families and not just community associations. So to help your kids lace up their skates for even less this season, we’ve created The LEAP Community Electricity Plan.

When you or your friends & family sign up as an electricity customer on the LEAP Community Electricity Plan, LEAP Energy will donate each customer’s monthly $7.50 Administration Fee back to your Association and tag it to your family. These donations will help make Calgary’s recreational hockey registration fees some of the most affordable in Western Canada.

LEAP will provide your Association with a list of accounts tagged to your family, meaning that you will get the fundraising credit for each account signed up to support your Association. Moreover, you and your supporters can also choose to increase your donation with no maximum.

Who can participate?

Anyone who owns a home or business in Alberta (excluding Medicine Hat). That’s the beauty of it. All we ask is that you do not go door-to-door to sell this plan, it was designed to benefit you, your family and friends.

How to get started

one (2)

Forward this LINK to the LEAP Community Electricity Plan sign-up page to your family and friends.


The sign-up page will ask for the name of your Association and player/member to support.  It’s important that this information be accurate, so you may want to let your supports know what to say.


LEAP Energy will contact your supporters with confirmation of sign-up. The confirmation email will contain an account number, date service will start, and date that donations to your association will begin. LEAP Energy will provide your association with a list of supporters – including who has signed up on your behalf. 


That’s it! Electricity service for you and your supporters continues uninterrupted. You don’t need to do anything else, just enjoy the benefits of the program.


Step 4: Sign Up

What will I pay for on the LCEP?

You can enjoy peace of mind knowing you are receiving electricity at LEAP Energy’s industry-leading floating rate:

Rate:  AESO pool price + 1.5 cents per kWh

Term:  1 year with annual renewal (and confirmation of association/individual support)

Billing: Electronic invoicing

Payment: Pre-authorized debit

Questions? We'd be happy to answer them.

  • 2200, 425 - 1 Street SW
    Calgary, Alberta T2P 3L8
  • +1-800-305-8884

A note about fair competition: 

All customers are free to purchase natural gas services from the default supply provider or from a retailer of their choice and to purchase electricity from a regulated rate provider or from a retailer of their choice. The delivery of natural gas and electricity to you is not affected by your choice. If you change you you purchase natural gas or electricity services from, you will continue receiving natural gas and electricity from the distribution company in your service area. For a current list of retailers you may choose from, visit ucahelps.gov.ab.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta). 

© 2018 LEAP Energy Solutions All rights reserved

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